Feliway Optimum Plug-In Diffuser & Refill

£34.29 Regular price £34.45
SKU: 70501
GTIN: 3411113030414

Feliway Optimum is a newly discovered formula that contains complexes of components that are able to activate new emotions in your cat. The new formula is able to boost social confidence and convey messages of safety in the environment.

There is a growing concern among new cat owners and up to 58% of cats are showing signs of stress. Our lifestyles can often be very busy and fast-paced which in turn can make our cats very stressed. When cats become stressed they can start showing changes in their behaviour.

FELIWAY Optimum helps cats with more signs of stress including:
Urine Spraying
Tensions & Conflicts
Environmental changes (e..g moving home, new baby)
Fears & anxieties

Thanks to the discovery of the new formula, 9.1/10 of cat parents observe positive changes in their cat's behaviour.

Simply plug in the diffuser in the area where your pets spend most of their time and see the difference for yourself! The diffuser will last around 30 days and will cover an area of 50 to 70 square meters. The diffuser should be checked and refilled every month and replaced every 6 months to ensure an optimum effect. In larger properties, you can use multiple diffusers.

Feliway is recommended by vets worldwide. It is non-sedative and non-systemic, so can be used safely alongside other types of medications It has no effect on other species so it won't affect your other pets.