Where can I see my previous orders?
You can view your previous orders in the My Account Section (located in the top menu bar).
Just log in to your account, click on the My Account Section and you will be taken to your dashboard
Click on My Orders and you will see all your completed and cancelled orders. You can also see specific orders in more detail by clicking on View Order and Reorder past orders using the Reorder link.
By clicking this link you will be taken to your basket which will contain the items from your chosen past order. From here, you can either proceed to checkout or continue shopping.
How can I change my account information?
Details such as your billing and delivery addresses, email address, telephone number and so on, can be changed in the My Account section
Just log in to your account, click on the My Account Section and you will be taken to your dashboard.
Here you will see links to various areas such as Account Information where you can change your name, your email and reset your password, your Address book where you can change your billing and delivery addresses as well as add new addresses and your Pets section where you can add or update details of your pets.
Just click on your required section and amend as required.
How do I create an account?
There are two ways to create an account.
1. Decide what you wish to purchase and add it to your basket. Once you have done all of your shopping click on the Proceed to Checkout button on the Basket Page.
You will then be prompted to log in or create an account.
Click on Create an account and add your personal details, and a password that is at least 6 characters long. You can then begin shopping
2. Click on Your Account and you will be taken to the login or create an account page and then follow the steps above.
I forgot my password, what do I do?
You should keep your password safe at all times, should you forget it, you can easily reset it. Just go to the Your Account section and click on the “Forgot Password” link on the left of the login button.
You will be returned to the login page and advised that an email with a password reset link will be sent to your email address.
Once you receive the email, click on the link and you will be taken to the Reset Password page prompting to give a new password. Your password should be at least 6 digits long.
Click on Reset password and you are again returned to the log in page. You can now login as normal using your new password.
What's does NFA-VPS mean?
NFA-VPS is a category of medications and stands for Non-Food Producing Animal – Veterinarian, Pharmacist, SQP.
Medicines in this category do not require a prescription, but must be supplied by a vet, pharmacist, or Suitably Qualified Person (SQP). The regulations state that the supplier must establish if the pet’s owner is likely to use the drug in the authorised manner and that the correct product is being used to treat the pet (e.g. correct pet type / weight / age / healthy / on other medication / pregnant or nursing) . Information must be given on the safe use of the medication. NFA-VPS medication can be advertised to the general public.
Why do you need my pet’s details?
We ask for your pet’s details to ensure that the correct items are being purchased for your pet. Many products are specific to the species and size of pets, and some products cannot be used when your pet is on certain types of medication so require all available details to ensure all pets receive the correct items to keep them healthy in the same way as a vets practice.
If you have NFA-VPS items in your basket, you will be asked to create a pet profile – this takes less than 2 minutes and once created will ensure your future purchases will be processed more quickly since you can link specific purchases to specific animals.
Please ensure that the information you provide about your pet is accurate in order that they receive the correct medication for their species and size.