Fun Facts about Rabbits
If you aren't a cat or dog lover there are plenty of small pets that you can keep as cuddly companions, instead, including rabbits. Rabbits are the most commonly kept pet after cats and dogs and there are lots of breeds to choose from. Rabbits are bright and affectionate, and if you do have a cat or dog they can often fit right in with them too!
Below are a few facts about rabbits, some of which might surprise you...
- Rabbits are crepuscular, meaning that they are most active at dawn and dusk
- Rabbits are the most popular of all the small animals kept as pets
- Rabbits have good night vision and can see movement from long distances. They have nearly 360° panoramic vision, allowing them to detect predators from all directions without moving their heads. Their only blind spot is in front of their nose.
- Their whiskers are as wide as their body so they are able to feel their way in tunnels and not get stuck
- Rabbits do not open their eyes until they reach about 2 weeks of age, they are also fur-less. There are weaned at around 8 weeks old
- Rabbits have 28 teeth all of which grow constantly
- They can move their ears independently of each other and hear sounds from up to two miles away
- Rabbits purr - it’s not quite like a cat’s purr, it is a rapid, soft chattering sound that comes from their teeth
- The only place a rabbit sweats is through the pads on its feet
- They have 5 toenails on their front paws and 4 toenails on their hind paws
- When a rabbit is they will jump and twist in an action called a binky
- Rabbits can be found on every continent apart from Antarctica
- Rabbits do not hibernate or alter their behaviour considerably during the colder months of the year
Rabbits make great pets and are often considered the perfect combination of cat and dog, so if you have the time but don't fancy taking your pet for long walks and want a pet you can litter train, then a bunny is the pet for you. Have a look at our advice section for more information on
keeping rabbits, and if there is anything you need to know just drop us a line and we'll do our best to help.