FRONTLINE® SPOT-ON Flea & Tick Treatment for Cats

£5.66 Regular price £7.49
SKU: 59708
GTIN: 3661103045205
  • Kills fleas on your pet within 24 hours
  • Kills ticks within 48 hours
  • Use every 4 weeks for optimal protection
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FRONTLINE Spot On for Cats

FRONTLINE Spot On for Cats is an effective treatment designed to eliminate fleas and prevent infestations by fleas and ticks. It is also part of a treatment strategy for Flea Allergy Dermatitis. Suitable for use on kittens from 8 weeks of age.

Dosage and Administration

Apply topically to the skin. The dosage is 1 pipette of 0.5 ml per cat (approximately 7.5 - 15 mg/kg). Follow the instructions on the packet for correct application. Apply every four weeks to maintain flea coverage.

Ensure the dose is applied to an area where the animal cannot lick it off and make sure animals do not lick each other after treatment until dry. This product can be used on kittens from 8 weeks old.

Product Details

FRONTLINE® SPOT-ON is a topical treatment that is applied to your cat's skin and hair to kill fleas and ticks through contact. They do not need to bite your cat to be killed. Bathing, shampooing, or water exposure once a week does not affect the product's effectiveness. Avoid bathing your cat for two days after application.

This clinically proven veterinary medicine can be applied to cats from 8 weeks of age that weigh at least 1kg. It is also safe for use on pregnant and nursing cats. If your cat is unwell, consult your vet before applying any flea treatment.

FRONTLINE® SPOT-ON for Cats is not suitable for use on rabbits.


Apply the product to an area where your cat cannot lick it off. Avoid bathing your cat within 2 days of application. Suitable for cats from 8 weeks of age that weigh at least 1kg. Safe for use on pregnant and lactating cats. Do not use on rabbits.

How to Apply Frontline Spot On for Cats


  • 1 Pipette
  • 3 Pipettes
  • 6 Pipettes

Key Benefits

  • Kills fleas on your cat within 24 hours
  • Kills ticks within 48 hours, reducing the risk of tick-borne disease
  • Kills lice


Active Ingredient: Fipronil

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